I installed a webtool in my site and I've noticed that most of its visitors is from countries with foreign languages: Turkey, Poland, Japan, USA, Israel, Chile, UK, Mexico, France, Germany, etc.
If you are from abroad, feel free to comment in this post, in
Italian or
Spanish. Click on the link "comentários" above and answer:
- Your name ?
- Your e-mail ?
- Where are you from ?
- Age/Gender ?
- What are you looking for in my blog ?
Depending on the result of this pool, I will try to write some posts in English.
15 comentários:
Oiiiiiiiiiiiii tem um premio pra vc no meu blog.... beijokas!!!
Olá amiga!
Uma mensagem para vc:
"Graças ao grande amor do Senhor é que não somos consumidos... grande é a sua fidelidade!" Lamentações 3:22-23
Pois, Deus é fiel, mesmo quando somos infiéis.
Olá amiga.
Obrigada pelo coração ficou lindo.
Vim desejar a você uma linda semana...bjuss
Olá Samanta.
Parabéns pelas visitas e pelo seus trabalhos,estão lindos!Tem um presentinho pra vc no meu blog,espero que aceite e que goste.Bjs e uma ótima semana.
hello , I am from India and love your crochet!
Olá, Samanta,
Acesso seu blog do Reino Unido, onde estou residindo desde fevereiro. Sou professora de Língua Portuguesa e Literatura e nasci em Uberlândia-MG; sempre me interessei pelo crochê, mas nunca tinha tentado fazer nada mais elaborado. Tenho aprendido muito com suas indicações e, no momento, estou achando uma delícia experimentar novidades no crochê, já que pela primeira vez em anos tenho algum tempo para me dedicar a essa arte. Parabenizo-a pela beleza e cuidado que demonstra em todas as suas produções! Para contato, deixo meu e-mail: adrianaves2003@yahoo.com.br
Adriana Naves, Hove-East Sussex-UK
Hello, I love visiting your site,I love seeing the beautiful crochet, it is inspiring. It would be great if the post were in English. thank you. ammal USA
Hello Samanta!
My name is Ene, 31y I'm form Estonia. I like very much your work.
E-mail: enelepik@gmail.com
Hello, my name is Gabi, from HUNGARY, I'm 36. your works are fantastic! Congratulation!
My name is Michele and I am from the USA. I'm 46 years old and visit your blog often ..... it would really be nice if you did some posts in English
Hola Samanta, me llamo Elena, soy de Madrid (España) y tengo 30 años. Me encantan tus trabajos de crochet y las muestras de lo que hago las descargo de esta página.
Your work is fabulous! I'm from the US and read about your blog in the Crochetville Forum. Someone mentioned your teddy bear square. It's adorable. I'd love to have the pattern in English.
I also found your blog through the Crochetville forum. Your work is beautiful. I would enjoy reading your posts if they were in English, but it would be nice if you could at least post your patterns in English. bgs
Hi! My name is Carol and I am from the USA. Your work is so beautiful...please consider posting some of your work in English...we would be very grateful. Keep up the good work.
Hi Samanta, thank you for your lovely blog and articles, really I loved your work and the grafico you put for us, I ave a qeustion but first I will till you some information about my self as you requested.
Your name ? Ghada
Your e-mail ? g_alenani (at) yahoo (dot) com
Where are you from ? Middle East - Saudi Arabia
Age/Gender ? 26 / Female
What are you looking for in my blog ? bag graficos and steps (passo a passo).
I go to lots of barazilan sites and I learned some words.. I would like to see how the big fat bag to be crocheting
(croche big fat bolsa passo a passo) or explain how to finish the bag in grafico also, other than the bottom grafico you put.
also if there is an easy slipper of sapatinho for women.
Thank you very much.
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